
December 2013 Holy Ghost Congress: THE OVER FLOW

Watch this year Holy Ghost Congress on Green-haven home.

We thank the Almighty God for keeping us since the last Congress in 2012. I am most delighted to welcome you to a special Congress that promises to overflow with signs and wonders.
Congratulations for making it to this programme. You have come expectant. As the Lord lives, you shall testify all through the Congress and thereafter.
As with the past Congresses, the Lord promises to make this a memorable and fulfilling programme. He is a covenant keeping God and He is faithful to do that which he has promised. In what area of your life are you believeing God for an overflow? All you need to do is to bring your case before Him in humility with praises and thanksgiving in prayerful expectation. He is the One who can do all things.
With Him, nothing shall be impossible. He shall answer you in the mighty name of Jesus.
The Lord promises to touch every area of your life through His word and the acccompanying sessions of teaching, prayers, seminars and personal ministrations. All the morning, afternoon and evening sessions are specially planned for you. The evening sessions will run everyday from the Opening Day (Monday) to the Closing Day (Saturday). The morning sessions shall run on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The afternoon sessions featuring teaching on marriage, the home, business, career, and other aspects of everyday life will run on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. You may go to the detailed daily programme page on this website.
I believe you are here for a personal encounter with the Lord of lords. Just wait upon Him and cry out to him on your own and during the general prayer sessions. Do not let anyone or anything distract you. As you key into the various daily programmes and focus on the Lord, your life will never be the same again. You have come expectant; you shall go home testifying.

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